Welcome to Pieter Heynen Nurseries
Pieter Heynen Nurseries is located in Helden, in the municipality of Peel and Maas, and in 1984 started growing shrubs and conifers.
For a few years we have been fully dedicated to the cultivation of ornamental shrubs for landscapers, garden centers and dealers.
The company has a total area of 3.5 ha. of which 0.5 ha is dedicated pot in pot system and we have 9000 meters greenhouses and tunnels.
We grow a wide range of decorative shrubs in pots of 1.5 L to 25 L pot. We specialise in Prunus Rotundifolia, Prunus Caucasica, Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia and Photinia Red Robin grown in 15 L pots.
We are MPS A certified and use organic compost tea every two weeks, as a result we have reduced the chemicals we use by 80%.
Our website gives you an idea of our range. For more information or to visit the nursery please contact us.
Maria and Pieter Heynen
Maasbreeseweg 73
5988 PA Helden
T 077-3071453
M 06-55836418
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